Sunday, October 9, 2011

Flea Markets

So this weekend I staffed the CAFF booth at a Health Fair. The fair was taking place at the San Jose Open Air Flea Market. I have never really been to a real flea market so this was a new experience for me. It was amazing. Oh the things you could buy from cars and sofas to bras and nail polish. I just want to share some of the highlights I saw while walking through.

Maybe you need some tools (or have recently had some stolen?)
How about a baptism dress?
Maybe a new pair of "geans"
Stock up on some socks
And get some fresh coconut to hydrate while you shop

So many amazing things are sold at the flea market. Rugs, electronics, clothes, purses, sunglasses. Anything you want can be found at the flea market. Truly an amazing place with an even more amazing clientele. Two things got me through the 14 hours I spent there. First there was this woman that sang and played this instrument along to some "top hits".
I don't know what kind of instrument that is but I like that it is pink and plastic.
The second thing that got me through was the sugar and caffeine rush from eating these cinnamon rolls B and I got at the farmers market.
Sugar, butter and caffeine can get me through anything.

Since I had to work all weekend this is about all I did. Coming up this week I am leading my first farm field trip! I have two with a total of 92 kids, all in 3rd grade. I hope it runs well and I am sure there will be some memorable phrases.


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